Home » Echoes of Lust/ Lust Theory Season 1 (Ep 1 to 10) Walkthrough

Echoes of Lust/ Lust Theory Season 1 (Ep 1 to 10) Walkthrough

Game Start:

  1. Enter MC’s name – I never thought about this until now, in the final run-through before
    uploading to F95Zone, my save files which I am including in a zip for you to use at your
    discretion are going to have a saved name for the MC, so as a joke, I selected Sleazy, because
    the kid seems kind of sleazy to me when it comes right down to it. I hope none of you mind
    my selection for the main character’s name…and if you do, oh well, too late to do anything
    about it now, I had to come up with one in order to upload this walkthrough to the F95Zone
    website. And I suppose, if you really don’t like the name Sleazy, you could always go to the
    online save file editor (located here: https://www.saveeditonline.com) and change the name to
    whatever you like.
  2. For Incest Enter the following:
  • Jessica (25): Enter either Sister or Sis
  • Megan (18): Enter either Sister or Sis
  • Elizabeth (45): Enter either Mother or Mom
  • Brother
  • Son
  • Daughter
  1. Get up
  2. Ignore
  3. Click Hall
  4. Click Bathroom Door Save X1-1-LT1 Megan in a towel
  5. Click Take a Shower
  6. Click Brush Teeth
  7. Click Hall
  8. Click Stair Railing to go downstairs
  9. Click Right Arrow
  10. Click Food on Table
  11. Click on Door at end of short hallway in front of you to get to the Town Map
  12. Click on School
  13. This is Ellie – Click No
  14. Click School Doors to enter school
  15. Click Megan and Zoe
  16. Go to Class
  17. Click Classroom Door
  18. Answer Questions
  • Sulfuric
  • High
  • Sulfate
  • Vitriol
  • Burn
  1. Click on Classroom Door to Exit
  2. Town Map
  3. Click on Home
  4. (I think I can hear Jess in her room. I should go see what she’s doing) Some quotes from the
    game have been added to the walkthrough to aid with following along. In such instances, the
    text will appear in red type. You will also see the words Play through scene in red type, the
    purpose of these should be obvious. Personal comments by me appear in red or black type
    and are always highlighted in yellow. The first comment unfortunately belongs here. The
    above quote from the game says Jess is in her room, but this statement is in error, Jess is
    actually in the living room, so…
  5. Click Left Arrow – (When it comes to the selection of the right and left arrows, I am referring
    to the outlined arrows about midway up the left- and right-hand side of the screen when you
    are in the living room, the hall, or the kitchen…and…become solid arrows when you pass your
    cursor overtop of them.)
  6. Click on Jessica
  7. Leave Her Alone
  8. Click on Right Arrow
    You now have access to the Hint System in the upper-right side of the screen.
    The picture displayed below will only be show this one time for the purpose of illustration.
    From this point forward I will simple supply the hint in the following manner. Blue text will
    be used to denote the subject or character referred to and the hint will be in green text
    indicating what to do next as illustrated below.
    In-Game Hint:
    Main Story – Go to the garage
  9. Click on Garage
  10. Click on Workbench
  11. Click on Door to Kitchen (The door right in front of you)
    Watch Upper Right Corner of Game. Every once in a while you will see a red button appear.
    Clicking on it will remove the girl’s cloths.
    In-Game Hint:
    Main Story – Talk to Megan in the living room.
  12. You need to talk to Megan in the living room, so… click on left arrow twice, and then click
    on Megan.
  13. Watch TV
  14. Go to your room
  15. She went out
  16. Click on Stair Case
    You hear a strange noise coming out of Megan’s room…
  17. Click on Megan’s Door
  18. Respect her privacy
  19. Click on your bedroom door
  20. Go Study
    Later that night…you hear Jessica coming up the stairs
  21. Continue Studying
    Next morning…
  22. Ignore
    In-Game Hint:
    Main Story – Go to the bathroom.
  23. Click Hall
  24. Click Bathroom Door
  25. Take a Shower
  26. Brush Teeth
  27. Click Hall
  28. Click Stair Railing
  29. Eat Breakfast
    In-Game Hint:
    Main Story – Go to School
  30. Click on door in front of you to get to the Town Map
  31. Click School
  32. Click on School Doors
  33. Click on Megan and Zoe
  34. Go to Class
  35. Click on Classroom Door
  36. Repeat the answers to the questions again as given earlier.
  • Sulfuric
  • High
  • Sulfate
  • Vitriol
  • Burn
  1. Click on Classroom door to exit
    You rush back home.
    In-Game Hint:
    Main Story – Talk to Jessica in the living room.
  2. Click Left Arrow
  3. Click on Jessica
    In-Game Hint:
    Main Story – Go to the garage and check on the clock you were working on.
  4. Click on Right Arrow
  5. Click Garage
  6. Click on workbench
    (Gone! EVERYTHING I’ve made yesterday is gone!)
    In-Game Hint:
    Main Story – Go and rest in your room.
  7. Click on door to Hall
  8. Click on Stair Case
  9. Click on your bedroom door
  10. Click on bed
  11. Relax
    Half an hour later…
    (I think Mom has some Xanax in the bathroom.)
  12. Click on Hall
  13. Click on Bathroom Door
  14. Click on Counter (lower left)
  15. Click on the small bottle on the right-hand side of the countertop near the wall
    You swallow the pills and head to your room.
    You take a pencil from your desk…
    Snap it in half…..
    From this point forward your choices begin to have consequences.
  16. Answer Zoe’s phone call.
    In-Game Hint:
    Main Story – Check the bathroom.
  17. Hall
  18. Taking the Shower or Skipping it leads to two different scenes, neither significant to the story
    because both offer about the same information, so take your pick.
  19. Right Arrow
  20. Click on Elizabeth
  21. Click on Ignore (Insensitive) Because if you don’t you lose the opportunity to talk to Megan
    and Zoe before class and you need to talk to them. It’s also the reason for answering the
    phone this morning.
  22. Click on School Doors
  23. Click on Megan and Zoe
  24. Ask Zoe about the party
  25. Try calming the situation down
    (Hmm, Zoe didn’t invite Megan? Maybe she DID want only me going with her, after all…)
  26. Click on classroom door
  • Sulfuric
  • High
  • Sulfate
  • Vitriol
  • Burn
    With Megan in the classroom after class.
    Really? Who? (She’s lying) (She asks Jessica, later today, who she’s going on a date with
    and then asks me why she never gets asked out on a date!)
  1. Go Home
    In-Game Hint:
    Main Story – Talk to Jessica in the living room.
  2. Click Left Arrow
  3. Click on Jessica
  4. Try talking to her some more
  5. Talk some more (This opens up Jessica’s Story Quest)
    In-Game Hint:
    Main Story – Explore around the house or go take a nap in your room.
  6. Click on right arrow
  7. Go upstairs
  8. Click on Jessica’s Room
  9. Click on Laptop
  10. Leave the laptop
  11. Hall
  12. Go to your room
  13. Click on your computer
    (Maybe there’s something on Google that can help me understand why the day is repeating.)
  14. Click on your bed and take a nap
    In-Game Hint:
    Main Story – Talk to Megan in the living room.
    But first, let’s do the following:
  15. Click on Jessica
  16. Who are you texting
  17. Click on Elizabeth
  18. Ask her how she’s doing
  19. Click left arrow twice
  20. Click on Megan
  21. Fine
    Sometime later…you hear mom coming down the steps.
  22. Go to your room
  23. She went out
    You hear a strange noise coming from Megan’s room.
  24. Respect her privacy or Slightly open the door produces about the same results, so take your
    Later that night you hear Jessica coming up the stairs.
    You have now enter Free Roam Mode
    The five times of Day are Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, and Night
    In-Game Hint:
    Jessica’s Story – Should’ve known the laptop’s password protected. There has to be a way to
    learn the password… Maybe when she comes to my room in the morning I can…
    hint Go check Megan’s room in the morning
  25. Hall
  26. Click on Megan’s Door
  27. Barge in Save X1-2-LT1 You are about to barge in on Megan in just her panties!
  28. You in a rush? (Start of Megan’s Story Quest)
  29. Click on stair railing
  30. Click on right arrow
  31. Click on Elizabeth
  32. Clicking on either choice (Starts Elizabeth’s Story Quest)
    In-Game Hint:
    Megan’s Story – I gotta talk to Megan about her “BIG” secret. She talks to Zoe in the
    hallway each morning before heading to class.
    Jessica’s Story – Should’ve known the laptop’s password protected. There has to be a way to
    learn the password… Maybe when she comes to my room in the morning I can…
    Elizabeth’s Story – I should talk to Mom in the living room tonight.
  33. Go to Town Map
  34. Click on School
  35. Click on School Doors
  36. Click on Megan and Zoe
    (Hey! I got an idea! Maybe I should try sneaking in closer to them next time so that Zoe
    doesn’t notice me.)
  37. Click on Classroom Door
  38. Click on Classroom Door to Exit WARNING!!! TIMED RESPONSE!!! Be ready to block
    the volleyball when you exit the classroom Watch Out!!!
    From the In-Game hints above, we’ve just dealt with Megan, and Jessica isn’t until morning,
    so we are left with Elizabeth at night, so…
  39. Click on Town Map – Home – Left arrow – Advance time to Night – Elizabeth – Why not –
    You can pick
    (I wonder if she’d have stayed longer if we watched something else.)
    (Also, I should buy another bottle of wine. Just in case.)
    New Location opened on town map – store
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Elizabeth’s Story – Maybe if we watch something else, she won’t go to bed so soon. Also, I
    could try getting my hands onto another bottle of wine.
  40. Go upstairs to your room and Go to sleep
  41. Don’t skip Jessica
  42. You’re right
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Jessica’s Story – Guess it’d be best to talk to Jess right now. She’s getting ready in her room
    each morning.
  43. Hall
  44. Jessica’s bedroom door
  45. Jessica
  46. Talk
  47. Compliment
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Jessica’s Story – Hmm… If I remember right, Jess is sitting in the living room every time I
    come back from school. Maybe that’s the right time to talk to her next…
    From the earlier In-Game hint of Elizabeth, it would be a good idea to get that bottle of wine
    in the morning so we’ll have it with us for tonight, so before heading off to school to deal
    with Megan and Zoe to see if we can make any progress in the learning of Megan’s Big
    secret, it would make sense to make a pit stop at the store to pick up that bottle of wine.
  48. Still Morning
  49. Click Town Map
  50. Store
  51. Clerk
  52. Still working two jobs, I see (or) I think your register’s busted again select either option, both
    lead to the same result.
    (He won’t let me buy the scratch-off tickets today since he knows it’s for him. I should come
    back again tomorrow)
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Elizabeth’s Story – Maybe if we watch something else, she won’t go to bed so soon. Also I
    could try getting my hands onto another bottle of wine. Mikey won’t let me buy the tickets if
    he knows they’re for him. I should reset the day and go talk to him again.
    So, let’s move on to Megan and Zoe…
  53. Click Back to get to Town Map
  54. School
  55. Click on School Doors
  56. Click on Megan and Zoe
  57. Try sneaking in closer (Hormones!? WHAT!? Is she PREGNANT!?)
    (I didn’t even know Megan had a boyfriend! And, now she’s pregnant!?)
  58. Click on Classroom door
  59. Click on Megan (ARE YOU PREGNANT?)
  60. Err…I thought…
    In-Game Hint:
    Megan’s Story – Taylor said he saw Zoe go into the girl’s locker room. That means she’s
    there at noon… Hopefully, she’ll tell me Megan’s secret. HINT Answer the phone in your
    room in the morning before you talk to her. (It’s on the table, next to your PC)
    Jessica’s Story – Hmm… If I remember right, Jess is sitting in the living room every time I
    come back from school. Maybe that’s the right time to talk to her next…
    Elizabeth’s Story – Maybe if we watch something else, she won’t go to bed so soon. Also I
    could try getting my hands onto another bottle of wine. Mikey won’t let me buy the tickets if
    he knows they’re for him. I should reset the day and go talk to him again.
    Now, Taylor just told us that Zoe is in the girl’s locker room, but the hint above mentions the
    hint that we need to call Zoe first before we can talk to her, so going in now to talk to her
    might not produce the result we had hoped for because we didn’t answer her call first, so this
    might be the right opportunity to sneak in on Zoe and witness the first hidden scene of the
  61. Click on Hallway 2
  62. Click on Locker room door
  63. Don’t assume my gender (Timed Response)
  64. Save X1-3-LT1 Start of FIRST HIDDEN EVENT – DO NOT CLICK ON (Go in) wait about
    20 seconds for second option to become available – SPY ON ZOE!!! – click on that.
    Having dealt again with Megan and Zoe, time to move onto Jessica
  65. Still Noon – Click Town Map – Home – Left Arrow to living room – Jessica
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Jessica’s Story – I should wait for the evening when she’s in her room getting ready for a date
    and go talk to her.
  66. Advance time to Evening – Go upstairs to Jessica’s bedroom – Jessica – Make a Joke
    In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – Taylor said he saw Zoe go into the girl’s locker room. That means she’s
    there at noon… Hopefully, she’ll tell me Megan’s secret. HINT Answer the phone in your
    room in the morning before you talk to her. (It’s on the table, next to your PC)
    Jessica’s Story – I can definitely get more information out of her. Should try talking to her
    when she gets back from her date. Guess I’ll wait for night and then play some games until
    she comes home.
    Elizabeth’s Story – Maybe if we watch something else, she won’t go to bed so soon. Also I
    could try getting my hands onto another bottle of wine. Mikey won’t let me buy the tickets if
    he knows they’re for him. I should reset the day and go talk to him again.
    Based on the in-game hints, we can advance time to night, and talk to Jessica. We can’t do
    anything with Megan until morning, and Elizabeth’s storyline can’t progress until we deal
    with the scratch-off tickets so we can get the wine. So…
  67. Advance time to Night – Go to your bedroom – click on the computer – You hear Jessica
    coming up the stairs – Don’t touch
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Jessica’s Story – Damn, if only I caught her. Time to do it again! Step 1, reset day. Step 2,
    wait for night. Step 3, go to her room. Step 4, profit?
  68. Go to bed
    When you wake up in the morning, first thing is to go to Megan’s room before answering
    Zoe’s call.
  69. Megan’s room – Megan – Talk about the car alarm
    (Wait a second! If I remember correctly, I caught her naked in the shower… But I’ve always
    spent too much time talking to Jessica so she’d already be done. Maybe if I hurry to the
    bathroom in the morning, I might catch a glimpse! No harm in trying…)
  70. Go back to your room and click on the cell phone on your desk to answer Zoe’s phone call.
  71. Still Morning – Town Map – Store – Clerk – You got scratch-off tickets?
  72. Still Morning – From the store you are automatically transported to the Town Map – click on
    school – click on Ellie – Friendly – I’ll think about it (Start of Ellie’s Story Quest) – click on
    school doors – Advance Time to Noon – Click on Hallway 2 – click on locker room door –
    Don’t assume my gender – Go in (Start of Zoe’s Story Quest)
  73. Still Noon – Click on Bathroom door in Hallway 2 – click on Ellie
    You are automatically transported to home.
    In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – I can’t believe what Zoe said. Ugh! I’ll figure it out tomorrow. I should just
    go to sleep for now.
    Jessica’s Story – Damn, if only I caught her. Time to do it again! Step 1, reset day. Step 2,
    wait for night. Step 3, go to her room. Step 4, profit?
    Elizabeth’s Story – Got the wine. Hopefully, this let’s me have more options with Mom
    Zoe’s Story – I should try to talk to Zoe again. Maybe I get to touch her boobs somehow.
    She’ll be in the locker room at noon. HINT Answer the phone in your room in the
    morning before you talk to her. (It’s on the table, next to your PC)
    Ellie’s Story – Ellie seems fun. Plus, she’s hot. She doesn’t have many friends and she’s into
    “Fallout”. Guess I should talk to her again before class.
  74. Advance time to Night – Go upstairs – click on Jessica’s bedroom door – Save X1-4-LT1
    (She’s about to fall) WARNING!!! TIMED EVENT!!! Catch her Play through Scene
  75. Still Night – Go downstairs – Left arrow to living room – Elizabeth – You can pick – Yup! –
    Save X1-5-LT1 Start jacking off Play through scene
    You automatically go to bed after scene with Elizabeth and advanced to morning again.
    WARNING!!! TIMED EVENT!!! Save X1-6-LT1 Hurry to the bathroom!!! to catch Megan
  76. Hurry to the bathroom – Slowly open the door
    In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – I can’t believe what Zoe said. Ugh! I’ll figure it out tomorrow. I should just
    go to sleep for now.
    Jessica’s Story – After everything that happened with Jess, I almost forgot I was planning on
    getting her password. There’s gotta be a way to find out what it is. Who knows, maybe I can
    guess it. I gotta try it when she’s not in the room though…
    Elizabeth’s Story – I should try taking advantage of the situation again when Mom falls
    Zoe’s Story – I should try to talk to Zoe again. Maybe I get to touch her boobs somehow.
    She’ll be in the locker room at noon. HINT Answer the phone in your room in the
    morning before you talk to her. (It’s on the table, next to your PC)
    Ellie’s Story – Ellie seems fun. Plus, she’s hot. She doesn’t have many friends and she’s into
    “Fallout”. Guess I should talk to her again before class.
    From the hints above, the first thing we need to do is answer Zoe’s phone call, so…
  77. Morning – click on the phone on your desk
    Now, let’s move onto school to see Ellie and Zoe…
  78. Town Map – School – click on Ellie – Sneak up on her
  79. Click on school doors – Advance time to Noon – Hallway 2 – Locker room door – Stare at her
    boobs – About the Party Save X2-1-LT1 – Say nothing – They seem okay – Not sure – I don’t
    know – They’re nice (or) Squeeze her boob produces the same result
    Upon completion of the above scene you are transported to outside the girl’s locker room in
    Hallway 2 and the time is MORNING, so the day was automatically reset without your ever
    knowing it, so…
    In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – I can’t believe what Zoe said. Ugh! I’ll figure it out tomorrow. I should just
    go to sleep for now.
    Jessica’s Story – After everything that happened with Jess, I almost forgot I was planning on
    getting her password. There’s gotta be a way to find out what it is. Who knows, maybe I can
    guess it. I gotta try it when she’s not in the room though…
    Elizabeth’s Story – I should try taking advantage of the situation again when Mom falls
    Zoe’s Story – I could try ignoring her call in the morning and talking to her again in the girl’s
    locker room at noon.
    Ellie’s Story – Gotta meet Ellie in the school’s bathroom. The meeting happens at noon.
    So, given the current In-Game hints, it would be best to…
  80. Advance time to Noon – Click on girl’s locker room door (Zoe’s taking a shower. I shouldn’t
    go in.) will pop up on the screen, do not click anywhere on the screen again, instead wait
    about 7 seconds and GO IN ANYWAY will appear – Click on Go in anyway – Save X2-2-
  81. Still Noon – In Hallway 2 click on bathroom door – Ellie – I like your outfit – You suck? –
    Sorry. Meant to say “It sucks.” – WARNING!!! TIMED RESPONSE!!! I like trains! – You
    have to do 20 sit-ups (or) You have to run 3 laps around the school either response produces
    the same result.
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Ellie’s Story – I’ve made a bet with Ellie. If I manage to get her prop gun from the professor,
    she’ll show me her boobs! I should go talk to with the professor at noon in the teacher’s
  82. Click on Hall – Teacher’s lounge – Compliment her – Ellie worked really hard on it (Start of
    Teacher’s Story Quest) – Fyre! FYRE!
    Updated In-Game hint:
    Ellie’s Story – Got the prop gun. Next, I should talk to Ellie in the school bathroom at noon.
    So, let’s give the prop gun back to Ellie…
  83. Click on Hallway 2 – Bathroom door – Ellie – Give her the gun Save X2-3-LT1 – Pinch your
    nipple (or) Squeeze your boobs together either choice doesn’t matter, play through both –
    Bend over (or) Lift your leg on the sink again, either choice doesn’t matter, try them both
    START OF SEXUAL EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT First Sexual Experience Point Earned
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Ellie – I need to get more sexual experience in order to play the “Chicken” game with Ellie.
    Sexual Experience 1/5 TO BE CONTINUED
    So, let’s check where we are now,
    In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – I can’t believe what Zoe said. Ugh! I’ll figure it out tomorrow. I should just
    go to sleep for now.
    Jessica’s Story – After everything that happened with Jess, I almost forgot I was planning on
    getting her password. There’s gotta be a way to find out what it is. Who knows, maybe I can
    guess it. I gotta try it when she’s not in the room though…
    Elizabeth’s Story – I should try taking advantage of the situation again when Mom falls
    Zoe’s Story – I could try ignoring her call in the morning and talking to her again in the girl’s
    locker room at noon.
    Ellie’s Story – I need to get more sexual experience in order to play the “Chicken” game with
    Ellie. Sexual Experience 1/5 TO BE CONTINUED
    Teacher’s Story – I wanna talk to the teacher. That’s the only way to get closer. Maybe
    talking to her after class helps…
    We are done with Ellie for now, until we can get enough Sexual Experience points to continue
    on, so let’s move on to Jessica and Elizabeth to finish out this day…
  84. Town Map – Home – Upstairs – Jessica’s bedroom door – Laptop – Try guessing the
    Updated In-Game hint:
    Jessica’s Story – Okay… Noon… Living room. I’m getting that password one way or another!
    So, onto Elizabeth in the living room…
  85. Advance time to Night – go to living room – Elizabeth (What should I do?) Save X2-4-LT1
    Play through scene
  86. From the previous scene, you are automatically advanced to morning in your room – Recap
    everything that happened
  87. In your room, we will skip Zoe’s call, instead, click on Hall – Click on Megan’s bedroom
    door Go in will appear, but wait 10 seconds and SPY ON MEGAN will appear, select that
    Start of THIRD HIDDEN SCENE Save X2-5-LT1 – The day will reset automatically, and
    then select – Follow Megan. Upon completion of the scene you are transported to the Town
    In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – Megan’s gonna go to the sex shop again in the afternoon, after class. I
    should follow her and see what she’s up to. Guess I should find her after class first, just to
    make sure I don’t miss her. She’s in the classroom every day after class.
    Jessica’s Story – Okay… Noon… Living room. I’m getting that password one way or another!
    Elizabeth’s Story – Mom seems to be knocked out pretty hard after the second bottle of wine.
    I could try more things with her when she falls asleep.
    Zoe’s Story – I could try ignoring her call in the morning and talking to her again in the girl’s
    locker room at noon.
    Ellie’s Story – I need to get more sexual experience in order to play the “Chicken” game with
    Ellie. Sexual Experience 1/5 TO BE CONTINUED
    Teacher’s Story – I wanna talk to the teacher. That’s the only way to get closer. Maybe
    talking to her after class helps…
  88. Town Map – School – School doors – Hallway 2 – Advance time to Noon – Girl’s locker
    room door – Wanna go to the party – Yeah – WARNING!!! TIMED RESPONSE!!! Pick any
    of the three choices offered (Megan, Jessica, or Cosplay Girl) because the choice doesn’t
    matter – I just wanted to see your reaction – Again, pick any of the three choices offered
    (Kendall Jenner, Margot Robbie, or Kate Upton) because the choice doesn’t matter Save X2-
    6-LT1 – Mind if I touch them? is the safer response – Show her – WARNING!!! TIMED
    RESPONSE!!! Cum on locker (or) Cum on Zoe different results obviously, but play through
    both by scrolling back if you like (Holy shit! She actually jacked me off!) Second Sexual
    Experience Point Earned
    This is how you cheat time, we started off following Megan, broke off from her to do Zoe
    (whose interaction didn’t advance time), now let’s run home and take care of Jessica and her
    laptop (whose interaction also doesn’t advance time), and then run back to school to meet up
    with Megan in the classroom and follow her back to the mall.
  89. Still Noon – Town Map – Home – Living room – Jessica
  90. Still Noon – Town Map – School – School doors – Classroom – Megan Play through scene
    (You hide and follow Megan back home) (She locks her door at night. So I can’t spy on
    In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – Megan bought a dildo! And she’s gonna use it tonight! I have to find a way
    to watch the show. It’d be best to go to her room in the afternoon and figure something out.
    Jessica’s Story – Damn, it didn’t work! Well, plan B it is… I’ll use the chance in the evening,
    when she’s getting dressed in her room to grab her laptop and…
    Elizabeth’s Story – Mom seems to be knocked out pretty hard after the second bottle of wine.
    I could try more things with her when she falls asleep.
    Zoe’s Story – I can’t believe Zoe jacked me off. I wonder what else could’ve happened if I
    didn’t cum so quickly. I should try talking to her again after class.
    Ellie’s Story – I need to get more sexual experience in order to play the “Chicken” game with
    Ellie. Sexual Experience 2/5 TO BE CONTINUED
    Teacher’s Story – I wanna talk to the teacher. That’s the only way to get closer. Maybe
    talking to her after class helps…
    So the first thing we need to take care of is Megan
  91. Afternoon – go upstairs to Megan’s room and click on her bed – Click on stand on right side
    of her room against the wall Save X3-1-LT1 Play through scene You are automatically
    advanced to the morning again.
    Updated In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Jessica’s Story – Damn, it didn’t work! Well, plan B it is… I’ll use the chance in the evening,
    when she’s getting dressed in her room to grab her laptop and…
    Elizabeth’s Story – Mom seems to be knocked out pretty hard after the second bottle of wine.
    I could try more things with her when she falls asleep.
    Zoe’s Story – I can’t believe Zoe jacked me off. I wonder what else could’ve happened if I
    didn’t cum so quickly. I should try talking to her again after class.
    Ellie’s Story – I need to get more sexual experience in order to play the “Chicken” game with
    Ellie. Sexual Experience 2/5 TO BE CONTINUED
    Teacher’s Story – I wanna talk to the teacher. That’s the only way to get closer. Maybe
    talking to her after class helps…
    ???’s Story – I know she works at the mall in the afternoon. Talking to her then is probably
    best. Can’t wait!
    Okay based on the in-game hints above, we start out in our bedroom in the morning, so
    advance time to noon and go see the teacher in the classroom, then on to Zoe in the girl’s
    locker room at school (time did not advance, so it is still noon and this event is possible—this
    scene will also transport you to home in the afternoon because Megan walks in on you and
    Zoe in the locker room and you cum on Megan’s pant leg, and feeling bad you follow her
    home). Now that it is afternoon you can go to the mall and meet the girl there in the sex store,
    and then head home, first to Jessica in the evening in her bedroom, and then on to Elizabeth in
    the living room at night.
  92. Advance time to Noon – Town Map – School – School doors – Classroom – Teacher You wait
    until Megan leaves the classroom and walk up to the Teacher – I don’t like her either – Looks
    aren’t everything – Wait
  93. Still Noon – Hallway 2 – Girl’s locker room door You nervously open the door knowing
    what’s about to happen… Save X3-2-LT1 Play through scene (Megan walks in on you and
    Zoe) Without saying another word, you quickly get dressed and hurry home. Third Sexual
    Experience Point Earned
  94. Town Map – Mall You learn her name is Sophie – Redheads – Mention Megan
  95. You are transported to the Town map – Home – Advance time to Evening – Jessica’s bedroom
    – Click on laptop Argh! Fine! I’ll tell you… It’s “Marilyn93”.
  96. Advance time to Night – Go to living room – Click on Elizabeth Save X3-3-LT1 Play through
    scene Fourth Sexual Experience Point Earned You are automatically advanced to morning
    In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Jessica’s Story – Now all that’s left is getting to the laptop while Jess isn’t around. That
    means either noon or afternoon. Noon should be better since it gives me more time before she
    comes to her room in the evening.
    Elizabeth’s Story – Next time, I should get Mom as horny as possible and then wake her up.
    Maybe I’ll get lucky…
    Zoe’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Ellie’s Story – I need to get more sexual experience in order to play the “Chicken” game with
    Ellie. Sexual Experience 4/5 TO BE CONTINUED
    Teacher’s Story – Okay. Next, I should check the teacher’s lounge in the morning before
    Sophie’s Story – If I go to the mall after school just before Megan does, I’m sure I’ll think of
    a way to prove she’s really my sister.
    So based on above hints, see the teacher in the morning at the teacher’s lounge, go to Jessica’s
    bedroom at noon for the laptop, to the mall and Sophie in the afternoon, and Elizabeth in the
    living room at night.
  97. Morning – Town Map – School – School doors – Teacher’s lounge Play through scene
  98. Advance time to Noon – Town Map – Home – Go to Jessica’s bedroom – Click on laptop – I
    found it open
  99. Advance time to Afternoon – Town map – Mall Hi there! – Direct – Big Dick Save X3-4-LT1
    Play through scene – Don’t
  100. You are automatically transported to the Town Map – Home – Living room – Advance time to
    Night – Elizabeth Save X3-5-LT1 – Pussy Play through the Lewd Scene You are
    automatically advanced to morning
    In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Jessica’s Story – That went pretty well. I should bring it up to her on my own while she’s
    watching TV at noon tomorrow. Probably better to reset the day first too so she forgets we
    talked about it already
    Elizabeth’s Story – Okay. Get Mom as horny as possible and then…I’m sticking it inside her!
    Zoe’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Ellie’s Story – I need to get more sexual experience in order to play the “Chicken” game with
    Ellie. Sexual Experience 4/5 TO BE CONTINUED
    Teacher’s Story – Gotta talk to her after class again if I wanna get that phone of hers.
    Sophie’s Story – If I go to the mall after school just before Megan does, I’m sure I’ll think of
    a way to prove she’s really my sister.
    So, given the above hints, go to school and talk to the teacher at noon, then talk to Jessica at
    home at noon, Then go to mall in the afternoon to talk to Sophie (this scene will ultimately
    advance you to morning, so the scene with Elizabeth will have to wait)
  101. Town Map – School – School doors – classroom – Teacher
  102. Town Map – Home – Living room – Jessica – Nothing important
  103. Advance time to Afternoon – Town Map – Mall – Smooth – Megan…
  104. You are automatically transported to the Town Map – Home – go to Megan’s bedroom and
    click on the bed Save X3-6-LT1 Play through scene
    In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Jessica’s Story – Since I got that crazy hot video of Megan, why don’t I try doing the same
    with Jessica? Only problem is, she locks her door before going out at night. Hmm…
    Although, I’m sure there’s a spare one around, somewhere. Perhaps I’ll ask her before she
    leaves on her date.
    Elizabeth’s Story – Okay. Get Mom as horny as possible and then…I’m sticking it inside her!
    Zoe’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Ellie’s Story – I need to get more sexual experience in order to play the “Chicken” game with
    Ellie. Sexual Experience 4/5 TO BE CONTINUED
    Teacher’s Story – Okay, now I got her password. Boobs, huh? I just have to repeat
    everything so she feels uncomfortable and runs out the classroom, leaving the phone behind
    so I can take it.
    Sophie’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    So based on the hints above, first we see the teacher at noon, then we need to see Jessica in
    the evening in her bedroom, and the go to Elizabeth at night in the living room.
  105. Town Map – School – School doors – Classroom – Teacher – Not all men – Not a kid – Stay
    on the subject – Back to text message (Okay, she’s out and she left the phone) Save X4-1-LT1
    (Don’t forget you need to press the button on the bottom of her phone to progress the scene) –
    Talk some more Play through scene
  106. Click on Town Map – Home – Go upstairs to Jessica’s bedroom –Advance time to Evening –
    Jessica – You are automatically transported to the living room – click on the blue potted plant
    and get her bedroom door key.
    Now, we need to deal with both Jessica and Elizabeth, but if I remember right the events with
    both characters end with the automatic forwarding to morning, which means you can only
    accomplish one at a time. We’ll deal with Jessica first.
    But first, let’s take a look at the updated In-Game hints:
    Megan’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Jessica’s Story – After Jess goes out tonight, I’ll sneak into her room and set up the camera.
    Maybe I’ll get to see her naked when she changes out of her dress?
    Elizabeth’s Story – Okay. Get Mom as horny as possible and then…I’m sticking it inside her!
    Zoe’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Ellie’s Story – I need to get more sexual experience in order to play the “Chicken” game with
    Ellie. Sexual Experience 4/5 TO BE CONTINUED
    Nicole’s Story – She’s actually a lot more interesting than I thought. It just takes so fucking
    long to get her in a good mood… Also, I gotta do it all again if I wanna get further with her.
    Guess talking to her after school again is a start…
    Sophie’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
  107. We start out in the living room and the current time is Evening, so – Advance time to Night –
    go upstairs and click on Jessica’s bedroom door Sliding the key into the lock, you open
    Jessica’s bedroom door. – Play through the scene – Walk in on her Save X4-2-LT1 You are
    automatically advanced to morning.
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Jessica’s Story – That could have gone better. Next time, I’ll point the laptop towards Jess’
    bed so I can actually SEE her masturbating. Probably best to do it in the afternoon so she
    doesn’t move it during the day.
    Since we were forwarded to morning, we can go to school and visit Nicole at noon, then e are
    left with Jessica and Elizabeth, and if I remember correctly, I think they both forward time to
    morning, so it’s either or again…
  108. Town Map – School – School doors – Classroom door (which automatically advances time to
    Noon) – Nicole – Save X4-3-LT1 – Of the three options you are offered (Go for the hug
    again, Ask to keep her company, and Blackmail her with the nudes), the first two lead to a
    kiss with Nicole and then advance the In-Game Hints to read Nicole’s Story – TO BE
    CONTINUED, the third option gives you a lewd scene, but in order to close Nicole for this
    update, you must return to the classroom a noon again and select one of the first to option to
    get the In-Game hints to read Nicole’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED For the Blackmail her
    with the nudes option – Clicking on Bra or Tits pretty much comes out the same, bra offering
    one additional view in case you are wondering. Remember, you will need to return to Nicole
    at noon to select one of the first two options later on in order to close her out for this update.
    You have been advanced to afternoon outside the school, so let’s take care of Jessica’s Laptop
  109. Town Map – Home – Go upstairs to Jessica’s bedroom and click on the laptop
    Updated In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Jessica’s Story – Okay… My PC. Tonight. Let’s do this!
    Elizabeth’s Story – Okay. Get Mom as horny as possible and then…I’m sticking it inside her!
    Zoe’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Ellie’s Story – I need to get more sexual experience in order to play the “Chicken” game with
    Ellie. Sexual Experience 4/5 TO BE CONTINUED
    Nicole’s Story – She’s actually a lot more interesting than I thought. It just takes so fucking
    long to get her in a good mood… Also, I gotta do it all again if I wanna get further with her.
    Guess talking to her after school again is a start…
    Sophie’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    So let’s take care of Jessica
  110. Advance time to Night – Go to your bedroom and click on your computer to start the scene
    Save X4-4-LT1 Sitting down at your desk, you once again turn on your computer. You start
    playing some games. Killing time until Jessica arrived home. Play through the scene You
    are again forwarded to morning.
    Let’s close out Nicole and then take a look at in-game hints.
  111. Morning – Town Map – School – School doors – Classroom – Nicole – Either of the first two
    choices offered will close out Nicole as mentioned earlier. Play through the scene
    Updated In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Jessica’s Story – It’s the perfect plan. I’ll play some games on my computer until Jess comes
    home. As soon as she takes her drunken tumble, I’ll burst through her door. Naked and ready
    to come to her aid!
    Elizabeth’s Story – Okay. Get Mom as horny as possible and then…I’m sticking it inside her!
    Zoe’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Ellie’s Story – I need to get more sexual experience in order to play the “Chicken” game with
    Ellie. Sexual Experience 4/5 TO BE CONTINUED
    Nicole’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Sophie’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    We’ll stay with Jessica
  112. You wake up in the morning in your room, so – Advance time to Night – Click on your
    computer (All I gotta do is bide my time until Jess comes home.) Save X4-5-LT1 Play
    through scene You are once again advanced to morning
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Jessica’s Story – All in all, not a terrible plan. Next time though, I think I’ll wear some
    underwear. Maybe then, Jess won’t react so… Strongly. To the PC again it is!
  113. You wake up in the morning in your room again, so – Advance time to Night – Click on your
    computer sigh Let’s try this again… Save X4-6-LT1 Play through scene – Apologize You
    are once again advanced to morning
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Jessica’s Story – Got the liquor (Don’t ask how and when…). Time to go to my PC again and
    We’ll stay with Jessica
  114. You wake up in the morning in your room again, so – Advance time to Night – Click on your
    computer Earlier today, you went to Mickey Won him some money on the lottery and got
    yourself a bottle of tequila in return. Save X5-1-LT1 Play through scene Fifth Sexual
    Experience Point Earned (Ellie’s Story Quest has been reopened) You are once again
    advanced to morning
    Updated In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Jessica’s Story – If I wanna hold out long enough to get that blowjob, I need to jerk off before
    Jess gets home. So, instead of gaming while I wait for her, I’ll spend a while watching porn,
    Elizabeth’s Story – Okay. Get Mom as horny as possible and then…I’m sticking it inside her!
    Zoe’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Ellie’s Story – I think I got enough experience to last through the “Chicken” game with Ellie.
    I should go find her in the bathroom at noon… Sexual Experience 5/5
    Nicole’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Sophie’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Let’s stick with Jessica and Ellie for now
  115. You wake up in the morning in your room again, so – Advance time to Noon – Town Map –
    School – School doors – Hallway 2 – Bathroom – Ellie A short recap of what’s going on with
    Ellie… Save X5-2-LT1 – Walk past (if you grab her tit she gets upset but ends up getting over
    it) – Let me finger you Play through the scene You are automatically forwarded to your
    bedroom in the afternoon
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Ellie’s Story – Okay… Talk to Ellie in the school bathroom at noon, do everything the same
    and, when she decides to leave the bathroom, I stop her and go “prepare”…
  116. Advance time to Night – Click on your computer Save X5-3-LT1 Sitting down at your
    computer, you knew exactly what needed to be done… Play through the scene
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Jessica’s Story – Almost there! I just gotta prevent Mom from barging in. I’ll go to Mom’s
    room and tell her when Jess comes home. Although, I should go to the PC and “prepare” with
    some porn again.
  117. You wake up in the morning in your room again, so – Advance time to Noon – Town Map –
    School – School doors – Hallway 2 – Bathroom – Ellie Retracing the same exact steps you
    made last time, you reach the point where Ellie was about to run out into the hallway, naked.
    Save X5-4-LT1 Play through the scene You are once again Advanced to morning in your
    Updated In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Jessica’s Story – Almost there! I just gotta prevent Mom from barging in. I’ll go to Mom’s
    room and tell her when Jess comes home. Although, I should go to the PC and “prepare” with
    some porn again.
    Elizabeth’s Story – Okay. Get Mom as horny as possible and then…I’m sticking it inside her!
    Zoe’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Ellie’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Nicole’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Sophie’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    So we are left with Jessica and Elizabeth to complete
  118. We start out in our bedroom in the morning, so – Advance time to Night – Click on your
    computer Save X5-5-LT1 sigh (God… I’m so fucking over this. Please lord PLEASE let it
    finally work out this time!) Play through the scene – Suggest another idea Save X5-6-LT1 –
    You meet Chloe, Jessica’s friend You wake up in your room in the morning again.
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Jessica’s Story – Next time I go to bed (at night), I’ll stay awake until they come in my room.
    That way, I’ll get to see what exactly they were planning to do… Click on Jessica’s bedroom
    door in the morning to begin the photoshoot event with Jessica.
    Let’s break away from Jessica for a moment and forward Elizabeth
  119. In your room in the morning – Advance time to Night – Go to the living room – Elizabeth
    Save X6-1-LT1 You do everything the same way until your Mom passes out and lies down
    on her back. Play through the scene – Save X6-2-LT1 Go balls deep! (or) Go slow try both.
    You wake up in your bedroom again in the morning
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Elizabeth’s Story – Turning her on wasn’t enough. Maybe I can find a new angle… Talking
    to her in the morning might be best for now.
    Both girl’s interaction occur in the morning, so let’s start with Elizabeth and then move onto
  120. So go downstairs to the kitchen and click on Elizabeth. Morning! – Continue staring at her
    boobs Save X6-3-LT1 – Brush against her again
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Elizabeth’s Story – Okay, I’ll talk to her again at night. After a few glasses, it’ll be easier to
    get more info.
    So it’s still morning and now it’s onto Jessica
  121. Go upstairs and click Jessica’s Bedroom door Would you like to continue Jessica’s photoshoot
    story or just go into her room? – “Continue the Photoshoot Story” Save X6-4-LT1 – Peek –
    My girlfriend – Stick it in (or) Don’t do it leads to the same ending. The day resets and you
    wake up in your bedroom in the morning
    Updated In-Game Hints:
    Jessica’s Story – Next time I go to bed (at night), I’ll stay awake until they come in my room.
    That way, I’ll get to see what exactly they were planning to do…
    Elizabeth’s Story – Okay, I’ll talk to her again at night. After a few glasses, it’ll be easier to
    get more info.
  122. Advance time to Night – Click on Bed Save X6-5-LT1 – Stay Awake – Wake up (or) Remain
    Asleep try either one they are pretty much the same outcome. The day resets again.
    Updated In-Game Hints:
    Jessica’s Story – Just like last time, I’ll just pretend to be sleeping… (Go to bed at night and
    don’t sleep.)
    Onto Elizabeth in the living room
  123. Advance time to Night – Go to the living room – Elizabeth – Drop it
    The updated In-Game Hints read:
    Elizabeth – Hmm, I didn’t expect she’d just shut me down. Okay, wait until she drinks a little
    more before bringing up Jeff again…
    Onto Jessica in your bedroom
  124. Go to your room and click on your bed Save X6-6-LT1 – Wait for the Girls – Walk in
    Back to Elizabeth in the living room
  125. Advance time to Night – go to the living room – Elizabeth Save X7-1-LT1 – You’re beautiful
    – Women like you – Kiss her Play through scene
    In-Game Hints:
    Elizabeth – Something drastic needs to happen between me and Mom if there’s any chance of
    her giving in to me. Hmm… I think I have an idea. Maybe… I should talk to her in the
    evening when she’s in her room.
    So we will stick with Elizabeth since her event occurs in the evening and Jessica’s doesn’t
    take place until night
  126. Advance time to Evening – Elizabeth’s bedroom door Save X7-2-LT1 (I really don’t know
    what else to do for her to say my name at night…) – Play through scene
    Updated In-Game Hints:
    Elizabeth – Hopefully, giving me a boob job makes a difference… Okay, let’s try talking to
    her again at night in the living room.
  127. Time automatically advances to Night – Go to Living room – Elizabeth Save X7-3-LT1 Hey,
    Mom? – Everything – Go for it – Play through scene The day resets again
    Updated In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Jessica’s Story – Just like last time, I’ll just pretend to be sleeping… (Go to bed at night and
    don’t sleep.)
    Elizabeth’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Zoe’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Ellie’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Nicole’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Sophie’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
  128. Advance time to Night – Click on your bed – Wait for the Girls Save X7-4-LT1 – Knock –
    Picking the Wrong Answer will actually cause you to automatically return to the same choice
    allowing you to pick the Right Answer – Who do you think is Hotter? Jessica or Chloe
    Depending on who you pick, you get two different scenarios – Play through scene (this is a
    long scene to play through) – Smash it
    Updated In-Game Hints:
    All characters are now showing – TO BE CONTINUED
  129. Back at home, go in the bathroom and click on the small disk above the toilet to see the
    FOURTH HIDDEN SCENE Save X7-5-LT1 – Have some fun – Like what you see? – Dodge
    WARNING TIMED RESPONSE!!! – Don’t get dressed The day resets
  130. Again, still at home, go in the bathroom again and click on the toilet brush to see the FIFTH
    HIDDEN SCENE Save X7-6-LT1 – I’ll take my chances – Warn her – Apologize – No
    Save X8-1-LT1 END OF EPISODE 8
    When you have reached the end of Episode 8 (using the Echoes of Lust EP 1-8 update as your game
    play exe file) you should show 21/21 events and all characters should show TO BE CONTINUED and
    you should have 5 Hidden Scenes.
    Load Save X8-1-LT1 to start the game, and the first thing we will do is go to sleep to reset the
    In-Game Hints:
    Megan’s Story – I should try talking to Megan in the morning. She’ll be in her room. You
    need to fully complete Zoe’s and Nicole’s story lines in order for this story to become
    Jessica’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Elizabeth’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Zoe’s Story – You need to fully complete Nicole’s story line in order for this story to become
    Ellie’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Nicole’s Story – She’s actually a lot more interesting than I thought. It just takes so fucking
    long to get her in a good mood… Guess talking to her after school again is a start… Blackmail:
    Damn, she actually knocked me out! Okay, everything goes the same way except I’ll try not
    to push it so soon…
    Sophie’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
  131. Click on bed – Go to sleep
    So the first thing we need to take care of is Nicole, so…
  132. Morning – Town Map – School – School doors – Classroom door Everything happens the
    same during class – Click on Nicole sitting at her desk at the front of the classroom We’ll
    Continue Blackmailing her first – Continue blackmailing Save X8-2-LT1 You tell her about
    kids smoking in the bathroom, just like last time. After getting there, you show her the
    picture and everything happens the same until she pulls her bra off… Play through the scene
    The time automatically advanced to afternoon
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Nicole’s Story – She’s actually a lot more interesting than I thought. It just takes so fucking
    long to get her in a good mood… Guess talking to her after school again is a start…
    Notice the Blackmail suggestion has disappeared, so now we need to get on Nicole’s good
    side to close her out for this update so that we can move on to Zoe and eventually Megan. So,
    we need to go back home, go to bed, reset the day, and head back to school again…
  133. Town Map (You could just advance time to morning and accomplish the same thing, but if
    you’ve notice throughout this walkthrough I have a habit of click through the steps to go
    home and going to bed. Don’t ask me why I take the long way of resetting the day…I guess it
    makes the game seem more real…oh, what the hell do I know….LMAO) – Home – Go upstairs
    to your room and go to bed
  134. Morning – Town Map – School – School doors – Classroom door – Nicole – Talk to her
    Doing everything exactly the same so you wouldn’t mess something up… You get to the point
    where you kissed her last time… – Don’t kiss her Play through the scene
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Zoe’s Story – Zoe lied to me about the “Big Secret”… I’ll need to talk to her again after class
    in the girl’s locker room.
    Nicole’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Notice Nicole’s Story has closed out and Zoe’s Story is now available (I didn’t take the time
    to update Megan’s Story here because it is still unavailable, Zoe still needs to be closed out),
  135. The current time is Afternoon, which means we need to reset the day, because we need to go
    see Zoe at noon in the girl’s locker room, so… Upstairs to your bedroom and go to bed.
  136. Morning – Answer Zoe’s Call Save X8-3-LT1 – Town Map – School – School doors –
    Hallway 2 – Advance time to Noon – Girl’s locker room door (It’s time to figure out Megan’s
    big secret. One way or another. I’m getting it out of her today.) You walk in and close the
    door behind you. (Now that the door is closed, Megan shouldn’t interrupt us.) – Zoe – Please
    tell me the truth… – No, I don’t like you like that Save X8-4-LT1 – Go with it – “Lust Time”
    You should be able to figure this part out Play through the scene It’s a long one
    Updated In-Game Hint:
    Megan’s Story – I should try talking to Megan in the morning. She’ll be in her room.
    Zoe’s Story – TO BE CONTINUED
    Notice Zoe is now closed out and Megan has become available…Hurrah!!!!
  137. So, by the hint, we need to go to bed again and reset the day, so we can go see Megan in the
    morning, and since we ended up in Hallway 2 in the afternoon after our scene with Zoe, we
    need to… – Town Map – Home – Upstairs to your bedroom and Go to sleep
    Megan’s scene turns out to be a long one with very little interaction on the game player’s part,
    so I am going to save the game here for now. Save X8-5-LT1
  138. Morning – Hall – Megan’s bedroom door Morning! – WARNING!!! TIMED RESPONSE!!!
    YOU!!!! Play through the scene it’s a very long one, you also get Lust Time again…Enjoy!! –
    Answer – And the scene continues
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