Home » You have to think twice before visit to Sri Lanka

You have to think twice before visit to Sri Lanka

COLOMBO (News first); The Department of Immigration and Emigration said that the identification of British National Kayleigh Fraser was seized on the grounds that she had abused her visa conditions.

The Immigration and Emigration Department on Tuesday (2) held onto the visa of a youthful British public, blaming her for sharing data about the people group fights by means of web-based entertainment.

Taking to Social Media, Kayleigh Fraser claims that she had gotten a call from an exceptionally “restless individual” telling her that she expected to promptly leave the country. Her virtual entertainment post added: “The public authority authorities and insight offices are enquiring into you.”

She says: “I asked what might occur on the off chance that I don’t leave. The answer was ‘Huge PROBLEMS’.

A British High Commission representative, answering News1st, said they know about press reports of an episode including a British National.

The High Commission Spokesperson said they have not gotten any solicitation for consular help and added that they are in touch with significant specialists to discover more subtleties.

Kayleigh Fraser has been educated to visit the Immigration and Emigration Department somewhere around 07 days for an examination.

The Immigration Department had expressed that the following strategy will be chosen following the examination.

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