Home » Explosive Allegations of Government Complicity in Sri Lanka’s Easter Bombings

Explosive Allegations of Government Complicity in Sri Lanka’s Easter Bombings

Title: Sri Lanka’s Easter Bombings: Shocking Revelations of Government Complicity


In a startling revelation, a Dispatches special report has unearthed shocking new evidence related to the devastating Easter bombings that rocked Sri Lanka in 2019. The investigation, conducted by high-placed whistleblowers, alleges top-level complicity by officials within the Sri Lankan government. This new evidence adds another layer of complexity to an already horrific tragedy.

The Easter Bombings of 2019:

On Easter Sunday in April 2019, a series of coordinated bombings targeting churches and luxury hotels in Sri Lanka left over 250 people dead and hundreds more injured. These attacks sent shockwaves not only through the nation but also across the globe. The culprits behind the bombings were quickly identified as a local extremist group known as National Thowheed Jama’ath (NTJ).

Government’s Handling of the Crisis:

In the aftermath of the Easter bombings, the Sri Lankan government launched a massive crackdown on terrorism, arresting numerous individuals suspected of being involved with NTJ. At the same time, they faced criticism for their inability to prevent the attacks despite receiving intelligence warnings weeks before.

Shocking New Allegations:

The Dispatches special report, based on testimonies from high-level whistleblowers within the Sri Lankan government, has revealed deeply troubling allegations. These whistleblowers claim that certain government officials were not just unaware of the impending attacks but were complicit in allowing them to happen.

  1. Suppression of Intelligence Warnings: According to the whistleblowers, intelligence warnings regarding a potential attack by NTJ were deliberately suppressed or ignored by high-ranking officials within the government. This alleged negligence raises serious questions about whether the government could have prevented the bombings.
  2. Involvement of Politicians: The report also suggests that some politicians may have had prior knowledge of the attacks and deliberately chose not to act on the information. This level of alleged complicity, if proven true, could have far-reaching implications for the political landscape in Sri Lanka.
  3. Possible Motives: The whistleblowers do not speculate on the motives behind this alleged complicity. However, this new evidence adds complexity to an already intricate web of political and religious tensions within Sri Lanka.

International Implications:

The revelations in this Dispatches special report have not only sent shockwaves throughout Sri Lanka but also have international implications. Sri Lanka’s response to the Easter bombings had garnered criticism, and these new allegations will undoubtedly heighten concerns about the government’s role in the tragedy.


The shocking new evidence presented by the Dispatches special report on the Easter bombings in Sri Lanka raises serious questions about the government’s handling of the crisis and its potential complicity in allowing the attacks to occur. As investigations into these allegations continue, the nation and the world will be watching closely to uncover the truth behind this devastating tragedy.

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