Home » Comprehensive Guide to Single Techs & Characters in Chrono Trigger

Comprehensive Guide to Single Techs & Characters in Chrono Trigger

"Chrono Trigger" is a classic JRPG that features a diverse cast of characters, each with their unique abilities and elemental affinities. Here is a complete guide to the single techs and characters in "Chrono Trigger":

“Chrono Trigger” is a classic JRPG that features a diverse cast of characters, each with their unique abilities and elemental affinities. Here is a complete guide to the single techs and characters in “Chrono Trigger”:

Characters: Ayla, Robo, Crono, Frog, Lucca, Magus, Marle.

Complete Guide to Single Techs & Characters in Chrono Trigger

Learning about character techs is crucial for mastering gameplay. This guide covers the various techs that characters can acquire as they collect tech points. Important to note: Tech points are earned uniquely by each character only through combat, and not all monsters provide these points.

Crono Guide Single Techs

Element: Lightning

Crono’s Single Techs Overview

  1. Cyclone (Remake: Cyclone)
    • Type: Physical
    • Target: AoE
    • MP Cost: 2
    • Required TP: 5
    • Description: Whirl about the enemy, striking others nearby.
  2. Slash (Remake: Wind Slash)
    • Type: Physical
    • Target: Linear
    • MP Cost: 2
    • Required TP: 90
    • Description: Damages enemies within a line from the target to Crono.
  3. Lightning (Remake: Lightning)
    • Type: Lightning, Magic
    • Target: Single enemy
    • MP Cost: 2
    • Description: Strikes one enemy with lightning.
  4. Spincut (Remake: Cleave)
    • Type: Physical
    • Target: Single enemy
    • MP Cost: 4
    • Required TP: 200
    • Description: Hits an enemy for double damage.
  5. Lightning 2 (Remake: Lightning II)
    • Type: Lightning, Magic
    • Target: All enemies
    • MP Cost: 8
    • Required TP: 500
    • Description: Targets all enemies with lightning.
  6. Life (Remake: Raise)
    • Type: Recovery
    • Target: Single ally
    • MP Cost: 10
    • Required TP: 400
    • Description: Revives a single character.
  7. Confuse (Remake: Frenzy)
    • Type: Physical
    • Target: Single enemy
    • MP Cost: 12
    • Required TP: 800
    • Description: Deals 4x damage to a single enemy.
  8. Luminaire (Remake: Luminaire)
    • Type: Lightning, Magic
    • Target: All enemies
    • MP Cost: 20
    • Required TP: 1000
    • Description: Inflicts lightning damage on all enemies.

Lucca Guide Single Techs

Element: Fire

Lucca’s Single Techs Overview

  1. Flame Toss (Remake: Flamethrower)
    • Type: Fire
    • Target: Linear
    • MP Cost: 1
    • Required TP: 10
    • Description: Targets all enemies in a line between Lucca and her chosen target.
  2. Hypno Wave (Remake: Hypnowave)
    • Type: Status Effect
    • Target: All enemies
    • MP Cost: 1
    • Required TP: 60
    • Description: Tries to induce sleep in all adversaries.
  3. Fire (Remake: Fire)
    • Type: Fire
    • Target: Single enemy
    • MP Cost: 2
    • Description: Strikes a lone enemy with fire magic.
  4. Napalm (Remake: Napalm)
    • Type: Fire
    • Target: AoE
    • MP Cost: 3
    • Required TP: 160
    • Description: Engulfs all enemies in a certain radius with a fiery assault.
  5. Protect (Remake: Protect)
    • Type: Status Effect
    • Target: Single ally
    • MP Cost: 6
    • Required TP: 250
    • Description: Boosts an ally’s physical defense.
  6. Fire 2 (Remake: Fire II)
    • Type: Fire
    • Target: All enemies
    • MP Cost: 8
    • Required TP: 400
    • Description: Scorches all foes with fire.
  7. Mega Bomb (Remake: Megaton Bomb)
    • Type: Fire
    • Target: AoE
    • MP Cost: 15
    • Required TP: 600
    • Description: Engages all adversaries in a radius with a blazing attack.
  8. Flare (Remake: Flare)
    • Type: Fire
    • Target: All enemies
    • MP Cost: 20
    • Required TP: 1000
    • Description: Burns all opponents with the most intense fire magic.

Marle Guide Single Techs

Element: Water

Marle’s Single Techs Overview

  1. Aura (Remake: Aura)
    • Type: Recovery
    • Target: Single ally
    • MP Cost: 1
    • Required TP: 10
    • Description: Provides healing to a single ally.
  2. Provoke (Remake: Allure)
    • Type: Status Effect
    • Target: Single enemy
    • MP Cost: 1
    • Required TP: 50
    • Description: Confounds one adversary.
  3. Ice (Remake: Ice)
    • Type: Water
    • Target: Single enemy
    • MP Cost: 2
    • Description: Deploys ice magic against a lone enemy.
  4. Cure (Remake: Cure)
    • Type: Recovery
    • Target: Single ally
    • MP Cost: 2
    • Required TP: 150
    • Description: Amplifies health restoration to an ally.
  5. Haste (Remake: Haste)
    • Type: Status Effect
    • Target: Single ally
    • MP Cost: 6
    • Required TP: 250
    • Description: Reduces an ally’s waiting duration by half.
  6. Ice 2 (Remake: Ice II)
    • Type: Water
    • Target: All enemies
    • MP Cost: 8
    • Required TP: 400
    • Description: Inflicts water damage upon all foes.
  7. Cure 2 (Remake: Cure II)
    • Type: Recovery
    • Target: Ally
    • MP Cost: 5
    • Required TP: 600
    • Description: Fully replenishes an ally’s health.
  8. Life 2 (Remake: Arise)
    • Type: Recovery
    • Target: Single ally
    • MP Cost: 15
    • Required TP: 900
    • Description: Revives and fully heals an ally.

Frog Guide Single Techs

Element: Water

**Frog’s Single Tech

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