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"Chrono Trigger Consumable Items Guide: Health, Magic, Restoration, and More!"

In Chrono Trigger, consumable items play a crucial role in your journey through time. These items can restore health,

In Chrono Trigger, consumable items play a crucial role in your journey through time. These items can restore health, magic power, provide utility and protection, and even boost your character’s stats. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the various consumable items in the game, their types, and their uses.

  1. Health Restoration: a. Potion (Tonic):
    • Price: 10g
    • Sell Value: 5g
    • Usage: Restores 50 HP to one character.
    • Info: Great for early-game health restoration.
    b. Mid-Potion (Mid Tonic):
    • Price: 100g
    • Sell Value: 50g
    • Usage: Restores 200 HP to one character.
    • Info: Ideal for quick health recovery during battles.
    c. Hi-Potion (Full Tonic):
    • Price: 700g
    • Sell Value: 350g
    • Usage: Restores 500 HP to one character.
    • Info: Introduced later in the game for substantial healing.
    d. Lapis:
    • Usage: Restores 200 HP to the entire party.
    • Info: A valuable item for party-wide healing.
  2. Magic Power (MP) Restoration: a. Ether:
    • Price: 800g
    • Sell Value: 400g
    • Usage: Restores 10 MP to one character.
    • Info: Useful for replenishing MP between battles.
    b. Mid-Ether:
    • Price: 2000g
    • Sell Value: 1000g
    • Usage: Restores 30 MP to one character.
    • Info: Commonly used during mid-game.
    c. Hi-Ether (Full Ether):
    • Price: 6000g
    • Sell Value: 3000g
    • Usage: Restores 60 MP to one character.
    • Info: A rare item available at the Black Omen.
    d. Turbo Ether (Hyper Ether):
    • Price: 10,000g
    • Sell Value: 5000g
    • Usage: Restores all (99) MP to one character.
    • Info: Best for end-game challenges, found only at Black Omen.
  3. Full Restoration: a. Elixir:
    • Obtain: Found
    • Sell Value: 10,000g
    • Usage: Restores all HP and MP to one character.
    b. Megalixir (MegaElixir):
    • Obtain: Found
    • Sell Value: 25,000g
    • Usage: Fully restores HP and MP of the entire party.
    c. Power Meal (Ambrosia):
    • Obtain: Found/Charm
    • Sell Value: 1g
    • Usage: Randomly restores HP and/or MP to a character or the party.
  4. Utility & Protection: a. Shelter:
    • Price: 150g
    • Sell Value: 75g
    • Usage: Restores HP/MP for the entire party at save points.
    b. Shield Sphere (Shield):
    • Obtain: Found/Charm
    • Sell Value: 2500g
    • Usage: Reduces physical damage taken by 1/3.
    c. Barrier Sphere (Barrier):
    • Obtain: Found/Charm
    • Sell Value: 2500g
    • Usage: Reduces magic damage taken by 1/3.
    d. Athenian Water (Revive):
    • Price: 200g
    • Sell Value: 100g
    • Usage: Revives a character with 50 HP.
    e. Panacea (Heal):
    • Price: 10g
    • Sell Value: 5g
    • Usage: Cures all status ailments for one character.
  5. Stat Boosting Tabs: a. Magic Tab / Magic Capsule:
    • Price (g): Found/Charm
    • Sell Value: 5
    • Usage: Permanently increases a character’s magic stat by 1.
    b. Power Tab / Strength Capsule:
    • Price (g): Found/Charm
    • Sell Value: 5
    • Usage: Permanently enhances a character’s power stat by 1.
    c. Speed Tab / Speed Capsule:
    • Price (g): Found/Charm
    • Sell Value: 5
    • Usage: Permanently boosts a character’s speed stat by 1.

Conclusion: Understanding the various consumable items in Chrono Trigger is essential for success in your time-traveling adventures. Use these items strategically to restore health, magic power, and protect your party. Additionally, don’t forget to seek out the elusive stat-boosting tabs to enhance your characters’ abilities as you face the challenges of the game.

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