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Game Mechanics

“Unlock and Master All Triple Tech Combinations in Chrono Trigger”

Triple Techs in Chrono Trigger are powerful combination attacks that involve three characters. Here’s a breakdown of the Triple Techs, their requirements, and the characters involved: Triple Tec...

“Mastering Character Stats and Battle Mechanics in Chrono Trigger: A Comprehensive Guide”

Guide to Character Stats and Battle Mechanics in Chrono Trigger I. Basic Mechanics Attack Function: II. Important Variables in Damage Calculation Hit/HIT: Power/PWR: Level: Weapon: Attack Value: Damag...

Starfield Status Effects Healing Guide: Items and Methods to Cure Afflictions”

I apologize, but as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, “Starfield” had not been released, and there was no specific information available about the game’s mechanics, incl...