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“U.S. Considers Supplying Ukraine with Advanced Long-Range Missiles Amid Ongoing Conflict with Russia”

In a recent development, U.S. President Joe Biden is reportedly contemplating the provision of advanced long-range missiles to Ukraine to aid in its ongoing counter-offensive against Russia. According...

AMD and Hitachi Astemo Join Forces to Supercharge Vehicle Safety with Advanced Camera System”

In a groundbreaking collaboration, semiconductor juggernaut AMD has unveiled its pivotal role in enhancing vehicle safety through its partnership with leading mobility solutions provider Hitachi Astem...


The diagnostic trouble code C9542D indicates that the signal for the driving speed, transmitted by the ICM (Instrument Cluster Module), is invalid. Here’s more information about this code: Defin...


The diagnostic trouble code C9542D indicates that the signal for the driving speed, transmitted by the ICM (Instrument Cluster Module), is invalid. Here’s more information about this code: Defin...